Who We Are 

Who We Are 

Our consultants are Alan Kennedy and Dominic Marlow. 
Alan Kennedy
Dominic Marlow

Alan is a former tax consultant with KPMG and has helped build four businesses. In the words of one Chartered Accountant: 

"Alan has a super-useful combination: years of technical knowledge and experience coupled with hard-won commercial savviness. A business owner looking for commercial and profitable guidance will be well served working with Alan. His commitment to clients is legendary … and they have the results to prove it. He provides the technical backup for businesses who want to sell so that there are no nasty surprises in the due diligence phase of the transaction." 

Dominic has over 15 years of experience in business broking and has been involved in over 200 business sales. Clients consistently make comments like 

“I wish I had met you earlier”  
“I have been trying to sell my business for a long time but no one managed it until you came along”.